OK, cue up the O'Reilly denunciations of the Pew Research Center: The Fox News Channel is viewed by Americans in more ideological terms than other television news networks.
A new study by the Pew
Research Study shows that viewers of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report have the highest knowledge of national and international affairs, while Fox .
Fox News dominates the ratings in prime-time cable, with popular hosts such as Bill O . The Pew Research Center
The Pew (PEJ) report for the 2008 election cycle is out. Among the findings? FOXNEWS provided the most balanced cable coverage of the 2008 presidential election among major .
A new study by economists found that Fox News Channel had no detectable effect on . 60 percent in 2005, up from 45 percent in 1985, according to polls by the Pew Research .
Pew Research poll: Americans consider Fox News the most biased news network. How will Fox blame this on Obama?
In the latest Pew Research Poll, FOX News tops all networks by a huge margin as being too critical of the president. When Americans are asked to assess television news coverage .
Fox News Digital Network Fox News Fox Business Small Business Center Fox News Radio . A Pew Research Center study, released
fox news pew research
Thursday, details a diversifying America where .
A Pew Research fox news pew research Center poll released Thursday showed growing support for legal abortion . may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. �2012 FOX News .
. the Fox News Network
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